I am a poet and a published author. My seminal work on Relational Presence: Decision Making Beyond Consensus presents an approach that honors every voice, presents relational listening as an alternative to active listening, and opens a new frontier in collaborative and relational practices.

Relational Presence

Relational Presence brings forward an innovative and life-giving approach to decision making. Decision making, as it is often practiced, is killing our spirits. Torn between the drive for efficiency and participation, decision making practices often leave wounded relationships and unhappy participants behind. By beginning with the relationship instead of the agenda, Relational Presence finds a way to move beyond confrontation, division, and duality. It offers a new and exciting alternative to consensus. This research-based approach offers a bold and exciting model that moves beyond consensus decision making. We can do better than simply ‘agreeing to no longer disagree.’

Find additional publications by Samuel Mahaffy, including his dissertation and poetry at www.tilburguniversity.academia.edu/SamuelMahaffy